

Supermoon, Cointelegraph, Horizen, NDC, and Conflux Gathered 500+ Top Builders at ETH Denver

Supermoon, Cointelegraph, Horizen, NDC, and Conflux Gathered 500+ Top Builders at ETH Denver
Supermoon, alongside Cointelegraph Accelerator, NDC, Horizen, and Conflux, gathered over 500 founders & builders at its 3-day Open House that took place during ETH Denver. Supermoon, a community of 18,000+ founders, builders, & investors which helps startups to grow and scale, set up this open house as a specially curated program with each of its … Continued The post Supermoon, Cointelegraph, Horizen,...

Supermoon, Cointelegraph, OORT, Sunrise, and Ammocrypt Welcomed 800+ Guests at ETH Denver

Supermoon, Cointelegraph, OORT, Sunrise, and Ammocrypt Welcomed 800+ Guests at ETH Denver
This year, once again, Denver’s iconic Clock Tower turned purple as Supermoon along with Cointelegraph Accelerator, OORT, Ammocrypt, Sunrise, KXVC and QuillAudits joined together for 2 days of curated events for founders, builders, and investors.  First day kicked off with the VC & Startups Speed Dating bringing together 30 handpicked projects and over 50 VC … Continued The post Supermoon, Cointelegraph, OORT,...

New Crypto Listings Recently | Price 2024-02-04

New Crypto Listings Recently | Price 2024-02-04
1Really Really Good Bitcoin's logoReally Really Good Bitcoin (XRGB)------------Today2Heroes of Mavia's logoHeroes of Mavia (MAVIA)------------Today3Root Protocol's logoRoot Protocol (ISME)------------1 Day Ago4NAVI Protocol's logoNAVI Protocol (NAVX)------------1 Day Ago5Meme Ai's logoMeme Ai (MEMEAI)$0.00141 2.56% 1.95 % $1,026,542 $2,915,023
68.08BTC728,043,731 MEMEAI1 Day Ago6TrollMuskWifHat's logoTrollMuskWifHat (TROLL)$0.0000004872 6.30% 57.63 % -- $65,685
1.53BTC--2 Days Ago7SOLPEPE's logoSOLPEPE (SOLPEPE)$0.0000479 3.04% 0.00 % -- $1,459.15
0.0341BTC--2 Days Ago8Pixel World Coin's logoPixel World Coin (PWC )------------2 Days Ago9LONGTOTEM's logoLONGTOTEM (LONG)------------2 Days Ago10LockLAB 's logoLockLAB (LOCKLAB)$0.0121 45.78% 63.88 % -- $7,246.16
0.1693BTC--2 Days Ago11Lends's logoLends (LENDS)------------2 Days Ago12INDS's logoINDS (INDS)------------2 Days Ago13HONK's logoHONK (HONK)$0.00005412 2.88% 29.03 % -- $6,539.26
0.1527BTC--2 Days Ago14Dream Token's logoDream Token (DRM )------------2 Days Ago15dogwiffork's logodogwiffork (FORK)$0.001729 7.66% 16.99 % -- $439,868
10.27BTC--2 Days Ago16DeezNuts's logoDeezNuts (NUTS)------------2 Days Ago17Corgi's logoCorgi (CORGI)------------2 Days Ago18BSC FAIR's logoBSC FAIR (FAIR)$0.00024 20.00% 54.72 % -- $263,073
6.15BTC--2 Days Ago19You Looked's logoYou Looked (CIRCLE)$0.001006 0.95% 3.73 % -- $38,204
0.8924BTC--3 Days Ago20Yooldo's logoYooldo (YOOL)------------3 Days Ago21X Project's logoX Project (XERS)$0.001837 0.32% 1.49 % -- $209,304
4.89BTC--3 Days Ago22XPAYMENT's logoXPAYMENT (XPAY)$0.000000001302 0.18% 14.48 % -- $5,885.11
0.1375BTC--3 Days Ago23Whales Market's logoWhales Market (WHALES)$2.03 4.15% 70.70 % -- $4,979,538
116.29BTC--3 Days Ago24Ten's logoTen (TEN)------------3 Days Ago25Synth Ai's logoSynth Ai (SYAI)$0.0067 11.67% 65.28 % -- $20,068
0.4688BTC--3 Days Ago26SOLANAX's logoSOLANAX (SOLANAX)$0.00000003 6.25% 80.52 % -- $32,416
0.7571BTC--3 Days Ago27RMN Token's logoRMN Token (RMN)$0.00018 5.26% 4.26 % -- $6,945.6
0.1622BTC--3 Days Ago28Mode's logoMode (MODE)------------3 Days Ago29喵喵喵喵喵's logo喵喵喵喵喵 (喵喵喵喵喵)$0.00000168 0.00% 23.53 % -- $42,011
0.9805BTC--3 Days Ago30Metaverse XON's logoMetaverse XON (XON)$0.0108 4.15% 4.69 % -- $63,625
1.49BTC--3 Days Ago

Trump warns Fox Business of AI and Deepfake Dangers

Trump warns Fox Business of AI and Deepfake Dangers

Former President Donald Trump has criticized AI, deepfake and fake technology. He said they are significant risks that require urgent action in order to reduce potential conflict and misinformation.

Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, has expressed serious concerns about the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly the deepfake issue. Trump said in a recent Fox Business interview that AI is "possibly one of the most dangerous things out there." He stressed the need to take immediate action against AI's rapidly evolving capabilities. His remarks shed light on how AI-generated fake videos could incite conflict or spread misinformation. They reflect a wider apprehension about the security and ethical implications of advanced AI.

Trump's criticism of AI highlights the severity and complexity of the threat posed to society by generative AI technology, which has seen exponential growth over the past few years. Trump has been particularly concerned about the ability of AI-generated deepfakes, which are highly convincing digital manipulations in which individuals, such as politicians, are imitated. He recalled an incident in which he appeared in a fake video endorsing product. This highlighted the difficulty in separating real content from manipulated content. This incident is a clear example of the difficulties that deepfakes present to both individuals and institutions. It raises questions about trust, authenticity and the misuse of technology for spreading disinformation.

Experts and policymakers have raised concerns about AI's ethical use. AI's ability to create realistic content and fool even the most discerning of observers is a serious threat to democracy, financial markets, as well as security. Trump's call to immediate action is in line with the views of many others who feel that it is important to implement regulatory measures, ethics guidelines, and technical solutions quickly to reduce the risks associated AI and deepfake technology.

Trump's comments also bring attention to the importance of a collaborative effort to deal with the implications AI. The need for ethical AI technology and responsible innovation is more important than ever. AI's potential to be used for warfare and other evil activities underscores the need to develop comprehensive strategies that govern its use, while minimizing the risks it poses to society.

Donald Trump's criticism of AI and deepfake technologies highlights an urgent issue that faces today's digitally connected world. AI's potential to be misused by creating convincing fakes and spreading misinformation requires a proactive and coordinated reaction. In order to navigate the challenges that these technologies pose, it's important to create an environment where AI is used responsibly, with ethical considerations and transparency at the forefront. It also protects individual rights and security. Trump's remarks have sparked a conversation that serves as a reminder to continue to assess the impact AI has on society, and take steps to safeguard against its possible dangers.

Image source: Shutterstock

New Crypto Listings Recently | Price 2024-02-03

New Crypto Listings Recently | Price 2024-02-03
2NAVI Protocol's logoNAVI Protocol (NAVX)------------Today3Meme Ai's logoMeme Ai (MEMEAI)$0.001368 4.20% 3.18 % $995,964 $3,877,908
89.93BTC728,043,731 MEMEAIToday4TrollMuskWifHat's logoTrollMuskWifHat (TROLL)$0.00000114 2.70% 14.89 % -- $67,113
1.56BTC--1 Day Ago5SOLPEPE's logoSOLPEPE (SOLPEPE)$0.0000478 8.88% 15.46 % -- $13,092
0.3036BTC--1 Day Ago6Pixel World Coin's logoPixel World Coin (PWC )------------1 Day Ago7LONGTOTEM's logoLONGTOTEM (LONG)------------1 Day Ago8LockLAB 's logoLockLAB (LOCKLAB)$0.0553 8.60% 67.49 % -- $503,260
11.67BTC--1 Day Ago9Lends's logoLends (LENDS)------------1 Day Ago10INDS's logoINDS (INDS)------------1 Day Ago11HONK's logoHONK (HONK)$0.00007546 0.12% 30.36 % -- $45,574
1.06BTC--1 Day Ago12Dream Token's logoDream Token (DRM )------------1 Day Ago13dogwiffork's logodogwiffork (FORK)$0.002482 26.65% 60.05 % -- $1,037,960
24.07BTC--1 Day Ago14DeezNuts's logoDeezNuts (NUTS)------------1 Day Ago15Corgi's logoCorgi (CORGI)------------1 Day Ago16BSC FAIR's logoBSC FAIR (FAIR)$0.00055 37.50% 84.33 % -- $590,501
13.69BTC--1 Day Ago17You Looked's logoYou Looked (CIRCLE)$0.000957 13.32% 2.82 % -- $72,243
1.68BTC--2 Days Ago18Yooldo's logoYooldo (YOOL)------------2 Days Ago19X Project's logoX Project (XERS)$0.001729 0.97% 2.32 % -- $153,598
3.56BTC--2 Days Ago20XPAYMENT's logoXPAYMENT (XPAY)$0.000000001382 7.41% 14.60 % -- $5,700.13
0.1322BTC--2 Days Ago21Whales Market's logoWhales Market (WHALES)$1.2 1.46% 6.48 % -- $1,644,570
38.14BTC--2 Days Ago22Ten's logoTen (TEN)------------2 Days Ago23Synth Ai's logoSynth Ai (SYAI)$0.0236 7.27% 65.80 % -- $26,703
0.6193BTC--2 Days Ago24SOLANAX's logoSOLANAX (SOLANAX)$0.000000146 5.76% 23.56 % -- $80,553
1.87BTC--2 Days Ago25RMN Token's logoRMN Token (RMN)$0.000169 3.68% 69.00 % -- $31,375
0.7276BTC--2 Days Ago26Mode's logoMode (MODE)------------2 Days Ago27喵喵喵喵喵's logo喵喵喵喵喵 (喵喵喵喵喵)$0.00000117 2.50% 18.18 % -- $34,450
0.7989BTC--2 Days Ago28Metaverse XON's logoMetaverse XON (XON)$0.008723 0.41% 60.67 % -- $78,990
1.83BTC--2 Days Ago29Metahorse Unity's logoMetahorse Unity (MUNITY )------------2 Days Ago30LENX Finance's logoLENX Finance (XD)$0.1211 0.25% 8.05 % -- $88,284
2.05BTC--2 Days Ago

New Crypto Listings Recently | Price 2024-02-02

New Crypto Listings Recently | Price 2024-02-02
7INDS's logoINDS (INDS)------------Today8HONK's logoHONK (HONK)$0.000114 10.14% 4.11 % -- $39,745
0.9153BTC--Today9Dream Token's logoDream Token (DRM )------------Today10dogwiffork's logodogwiffork (FORK)$0.009456 134.77% 60.93 % -- $717,657
16.53BTC--Today11DeezNuts's logoDeezNuts (NUTS)------------Today12Corgi's logoCorgi (CORGI)------------Today13BSC FAIR's logoBSC FAIR (FAIR)$0.00403 0.00% 87.65 % -- $1,463,418
33.73BTC--Today14You Looked's logoYou Looked (CIRCLE)$0.000931 0.00% 5.50 % -- $153,639
3.54BTC--1 Day Ago15Yooldo's logoYooldo (YOOL)------------1 Day Ago16X Project's logoX Project (XERS)$0.001773 0.85% 9.95 % -- $155,929
3.59BTC--1 Day Ago17XPAYMENT's logoXPAYMENT (XPAY)$0.000000001207 1.51% 15.69 % -- $11,598
0.2671BTC--1 Day Ago18Whales Market's logoWhales Market (WHALES)$1.34 0.00% 7.46 % -- $3,708,593
85.44BTC--1 Day Ago19Ten's logoTen (TEN)------------1 Day Ago20Synth Ai's logoSynth Ai (SYAI)$0.0975 29.37% 85.23 % -- $15,853
0.3654BTC--1 Day Ago21SOLANAX's logoSOLANAX (SOLANAX)$0.000000279 23.56% 96.69 % -- $278,525
6.42BTC--1 Day Ago22RMN Token's logoRMN Token (RMN)$0.000119 0.83% 99.73 % -- $26,523
0.6113BTC--1 Day Ago23Mode's logoMode (MODE)------------1 Day Ago24喵喵喵喵喵's logo喵喵喵喵喵 (喵喵喵喵喵)$0.00000125 0.00% 19.35 % -- $260,312
6.02BTC--1 Day Ago25Metaverse XON's logoMetaverse XON (XON)$0.005188 0.14% 99.46 % -- $17,702
0.408BTC--1 Day Ago26Metahorse Unity's logoMetahorse Unity (MUNITY )------------1 Day Ago27LENX Finance's logoLENX Finance (XD)$0.1315 1.94% 1.78 % -- $130,762
3.01BTC--1 Day Ago28Kelp DAO Restaked ETH's logoKelp DAO Restaked ETH (RSETH)$2,308.6 0.80% 0.07 % -- $352,667
8.12BTC--1 Day Ago29Harambe AI's logoHarambe AI (HARAMBEAI)------------1 Day Ago30Harambe's logoHarambe (HARAMBE)$0.008239 0.16% 27.17 % -- $3,122,324
71.96BTC--1 Day Ago

Curtain Fell: Ideal Cooperation Blockchain (ICB) Presents Advanced Blockchain Network at ICO Level

Curtain Fell: Ideal Cooperation Blockchain (ICB) Presents Advanced Blockchain Network at ICO Level
Singapore, January 31, 2024 – ICB Crypto Services eagerly announces the initiation of Ideal Cooperation Blockchain (ICB), a prominent venture introduced by ICB Labs. After its recent inception a few years ago, ICB Labs is going to organize an official launch of the blockchain network at the ICO level in Q1 2024, setting new standards … Continued The post Curtain Fell: Ideal...

BITFLEX’s Prosperity to New Users: 888 Red Packet Sign Up Bonanza

BITFLEX’s Prosperity to New Users: 888 Red Packet Sign Up Bonanza
BITFLEX, is the fast growing cryptocurrency exchange and is delighted to be hosting and celebrating this Lunar Year with 888 Red Packet Sign Up Bonanza! According to Rich Cultural Symbolism of Chinese heritage, number eight represents boundless wealth and prosperity. BITFLEX welcomes this fortunate energy and looks forward to distributing this abundance with BITFLEXERS who … Continued The post BITFLEX’s Prosperity to...

Exabits Raises Oversubscribed Round Addressing GPU Shortage in AI

Exabits Raises Oversubscribed Round Addressing GPU Shortage in AI, a pioneer in the decentralized cloud computing space for AI, is pleased to announce the closing of its oversubscribed pre-seed round.  The funding will enable the team to scale their GPU optimization technology to address the shortage of resources that has left AI companies in limbo waiting for available compute or paying inflated rates.  … Continued The post Exabits Raises Oversubscribed...

Tether’s financial triumph: record $2.85B Q4 profit and strategic asset growth

Tether's financial triumph: record $2.85B Q4 profit and strategic asset growth

Tether Holdings Limited announced a Q4 profit of 2,85 billion dollars, which was boosted by US Treasuries and Gold reserves. The company also reported a net profit $6.2 billion dollars, demonstrating strong financial health.

Tether Holdings Limited generated a $2.85 billion net profit during the fourth quarter 2023. This is a record. This is mainly due to the operational income of $1 billion from US Treasuries as well as gains made from gold and bitcoin reserves. The firm also invested $640 million strategically in mining, artificial-intelligence infrastructure and peer-topeer telecommunications. This resulted in an increase in the company’s surplus reserves of $5.4 billion.

Tether's certification from BDO, a well-known international auditing firm, shows the company's commitment to financial stability and transparency. BDO confirmed that Tether's reserves were sufficient to pay off all outstanding secured loan in full. This step was taken in response to community concerns about portfolio risk. Tether's total assets topped $97billion, with a large percentage invested in venture capital and precious metals.

Tether produced a net profit of $6,2 billion in 2023. Of this, $4 billion came from assets unrelated to cryptocurrency. These investments included US Treasury Bonds. Tether has been positioned as an organization that is solid and reputable in the cryptocurrency market. This highlights the strong and broad financial approach the company uses.

Paolo Ardoino is the CEO of the company. He stressed the commitment of the company to stability and liquidity, and the strategic importance of maintaining a large proportion of reserves that are made up of cash and equivalents. Tether's success in its operational activities in 2023, including the addition of the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation to help monitor and restrain illegal activity, demonstrates the company's leading position in creating a safe and inclusive financial environment.

The Consolidated Reserves Report and Tether's most recent assurance opinion provide a comprehensive overview of Tether’s financial and operational strategies. These documents show the company's commitment to transparency and prudent management within the rapidly evolving digital currency industry.

Image source: Shutterstock